Location: Cory 540AB most days, Cory 531 on March 2 and March 9
Time: Wednesdays 18:30 - 20:00
Logistics: Please fill out our interest form here to join this reading group
Files: scribe note template, recordings and scribe notes, sign up sheet
The reading group will follow an abridged version of Stanford CS 355 Sp21.
Our main references are the readings listed on Stanford CS 355’s syllabus. Additional resources that I find helpful/fun (this will be continuously updated):
Fun stuff in Stanford CS 355 that are left out (can talk about if we have time)
Date | Topic | Resources |
Week 1 (2/9) | Intro to Cryptography
Week 2 (2/16) | Interactive proofs, Zero knowledge
Week 3 (2/23) | Succinct Non-interactive Arguments (SNARGs) from PCPs, Polynomial commitments
Week 4 (3/2) | BUFFER WEEK (discrete log if time)
Week 5 (3/9) | Oblivious transfer, Two-party computation: Yao’s garbled circuits
Week 6 (3/16) | Secret sharing
Week 7 (3/30) | Multi-party Computation
Week 8 (4/6) | BUFFER WEEK |
Week 9 (4/13) | Differential privacy
Week 10 (4/20) | Private Information Retrieval
Week 11 (4/27) | Fully homomorphic encryption (LWE)